Saturday, January 24, 2009

What happens if there is "Not in my backyard syndrome" for Gitmo detainees

A Saudi national released from U.S. detention centre at Guantanomo Bay, Cuba in September 2007 has retruned to previous activities and is believed to be a key leader of Al Qaeda operations in Yemen. What does that say about a foolhardy decision - foolhardy from the point of view that it has been orderd too quickly without thinking about the consequences of the new mealy-mouthed president of the United States?

Mr "smooth" Obama who is so careful about what he says, disguising his real agenda at the same time, has made a decision without thinking through all of the consequences. Surely he could have waited until he had done everything possible to ensure that these detainees, who are not political prisoners, but who have been actively engaged in an act of war, are located to some other secure location.

Ali al-Shiri is a Saudi national, and he was released from Guantanamo for rehabilitation in Saudi Arabia. That did not last long, because he escaped and returned to Yemen where he has continued with his illegal terrorist activity.

One of the major problems that has to be confronted right now is the "not in my backyard syndrome." From an Australian point of view I agree, we do not want this scum in our country. It is bad enough having David Hicks return to this country, and ditto Mahmoudo Habib. Both are traitors to Australia. They are not heroes. They should not be given a free ride by allowing them access to sue anybody for their detention. Hicks was discovered in Afghanistan, working with the Taliban. Habib was with similar types in Pakistan.

These detainees do not merit special attention since they have murdereous intent against westerners.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Al Qaeda leader demands terror war for Britain and the USA

As is typical of the Al Qaeda leadership, Abu Yahya al-Libi called for a new round of terror for western nations. Now this should not come as a surprise to anyone (except of course for the poor besotted Barack Obama fools who think that it will all go away now that Obama is the president of the USA).

The Al Qaeda leader urged the terror network followers to “rise up like angered lions” whilst declaring: “It is high time that this criminal country, I mean Britain, paid the price of its history”.

The illogic of the statement is that this person is blaming Great Britain because Hamas use civilians as human shields. You see women and children in Islam are really quite dispensable commodities as far as Hamas are concerned. Even so, yes there were many innocent victims, like the daughters of the Palestinian doctor who has always worked for peace. Could it be that his daughters were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, or were they targeted by Hamas so that they would be in the way of any retaliating fire – after all the doctor is a friend to Israel and speaks Hebrew. (and yes I am being very cynical in the way I am writing this comment)

My heart goes out to Dr. Abuelaish over the loss of his children in such distressing circumstances:

A distraught Dr Abuelaish said the events were the antithesis of everything he had brought up his dead daughters to believe. "I raised my children to work and be soldiers of peace," he said. "I believed medicine could be a bridge for peace between Israelis and Palestinians."

An army spokesman said a preliminary investigation into the incident had found that soldiers in the area of the doctor's house in the Jabalia Refugee Camp had been returning fire from the source of shooting towards them. The spokesman also noted the Israeli army did its best to avoid civilian casualties, a task made difficult by what he described as an enemy that took shelter in civilian areas.

If anyone is to blame for this man’s loss, then it is the members of Hamas who were using the area as a shield for their terror activities against the state of Israel.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

They say it is unIslamic to hit your wife - but...

Imam Samir Abu Hamza in a lecture given in 2003 stated that under Islamic law men could demand sex with their wives. This is despite an Australian law requiring consent. In a cover up of what is preached within Islam i is now claimed that Islam does not condone either the hitting or raping of their wives. Now it seems that the Imam is trying to cover up his faux pas by claiming what he said was metaphorical.

A statement by the current Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, on this subject is in my opinion very unhelpful. It seems to me that he is extremely ignorant about the real Islam.

Now I will give the benefit of the doubt to Islamics in Australia, that the majority prefer a reformed version of Islam - that is there is an effort to clean up the violence that is allowed in some Islamic countries. However, I cannot accept that Mr. Haset Seli is telling the truth about Islam as it is practiced elsewhere when he says of the Imam:

"His lecture was absolutely ludicrous, unIslamic and highlighted the ignorance of the man".

On the other hand, in this story I do see some hope for Islamic women in Australia, that they will be subjected to less violence in the future. The hope comes from comments by Sharene Hassan, vice president of the ICV because she is organizing a series of workshops for Victorian imams on the issue of domestic violence.

She says:

"There may be individuals who have interpreted this lecture as condoning violence against women - it's not the first time we have had this problem, " she said.

The good news is that imams are meeting to plan workshops to find ways of discouraging domestic violence among their followers.

It seems that there is a discrepancy between the two views expressed - the male says that the women are not treated with violence; the woman says that there have been problems in the past. I prefer to believe sherene Hassan, not the staff member from the mosque in Coburg.

Militant arrested over London attacks

Pakistani forces have arrested 7 militants, including a senior Al-Qaeda operative allegedly wanted for questioning in connection with the 2005 London attacks.

The militant has been named as Zabi ul Taifi, and he is an Arab national. It is not know what role he played in the London bombings.