Wednesday, August 29, 2007

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israeli anger over holy site work

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israeli anger over holy site work

When the Israelis tried to repair a walk way in the vicinity of the Al Aqsa mosque (a building that really should be pulled down since it is a violation of the Temple that lies beneath the surface), the Palestinians were protesting and committing acts of rage. However, when the members of the RoP commit atrocities in the form of works that damage an archaeological site, there is not a murmur from those same Palestinians.

My view is that the Al Aqsa mosque is an illegal building and that it was built by the members of the RoP in order for them to make a false claim to the land of Jerusalem. The mosque symbolises the absurd story that Mohammed was supposed to have been whisked to this site by a flying horse. The story itself is untenable, and it is a false story.

All mosques that have been placed over the holy sites of both Jews and Christians should be removed because they have no right to those holy places. They are thieves that take what does not belong to them and their not so holy places should not be allowed to stand.

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BBC NEWS | South Asia | Taj Mahal closed after Agra clash

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Taj Mahal closed after Agra clash

A speeding truck killed 4 members of the RoP and a riot broke out. Why is that if Islam really is a religion of peace? The anger is not a sign of God dwelling within.

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I have been reading Dr. Sanity for some time and I find that I am in agreement with her point of view. She provides a good psychological summary of the motivations of Islamists and their supporters. In this article Dr. Sanity summarizes reasons for the rejection of Islam.

In an ideal world, I shouldn't even have to say it, but Islam has forced me to explicitly and loudly state that I absolutely, thoroughly and unequivocally reject Islam as it is currently practiced. What follows is not an exhaustive list, but let me touch on some of the highlights that form the basis of my rejection:

1. If we are going to talk about oppression, shall I begin with the ubiquitous institutionalized oppression and humiliation of women in Muslim society? Detractors claim that the Quran does not foster this attitude, but witness the devaluation of women; the sexual fear of women; the incarceration of women; the infantilization of women; the social marginalization of women, etc. etc.

2. The overt and institutionalized anti-semitism in Islam, that is frankly paranoid and of psychotic proportions.

3. The assumption of the victim role while actively victimizing other religious groups. This is the entire psychological manipulation involved in the cries of "Islamophobia !"

4. The hypocritical call for tolerance, while promoting intolerance and bigotry among its own adherents.

5. The glorification of death rather than life.

6. The fostering of mindless obedience and punishment of independent thinking.

7. The poverty of ideas and rational thought among its leaders.

8. The inability to condemn unequivocally the barbaric acts done in the name of Islam.

9. The fact that Islamists would force their religion on me, if they could.

Each of these points are highly relevant as to how we should see the excuses that are used to support a political system that is extremely oppressive towards those who refuse to follow in the same psuedo-religious lifestyle. One of the main reasons that I reject Islam is that they cry victim when in fact they are the ones who are victimizing others on a daily basis. On top of that, even when it is one of their own who has blown up a mosque they try to blame either Israel or the USA. However, the most logical reason to reject Islam is the glorification of death over life, and as a result they have harmed the spiritual lives of billions of people. Every suicide bomber has only one fate that awaits them, for these fools have been promised a heaven that does not exist. Yes, I do believe in the existence of Heaven in the next life, and yes I believe in God. I reject the Islamic version of God and I reject their master/servant relationship to God. The God that I acknowledge loves me as a Father loves His child. This is not apparent in Islam, instead God is vengeful.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The followers of the false prophet bar meeting of Orthodox leaders

Turkey Bars Meeting of Orthodox Leaders
NICOSIA, Cyprus, AUG. 21, 2007 (

The Orthodox Church of Cyprus announced that the Turkish government cancelled a visit between two Christian leaders in Ankara.The meeting between Chrysostomos II, Orthodox archbishop of New Justiniana and All Cyprus, and Bartholomew I, ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople, was to take place last Friday.Chrysostomos II declared that with this refusal Ankara "has shown its real face," a press release from the Cyprus Embassy to the Holy See reported.He is ready "to edit a letter addressed to the Holy See and to the World Council of Churches, in order to inform them," and "to awaken the international community on how unreliable the Turkish government is about human rights."Chrysostomos II said he is prepared to meet the ecumenical patriarch elsewhere, "in order to show his solidarity with him and to thank him once again for its contribution in the solution of the problems arisen within the Greek-Orthodox Church."The archbishop of Cyprus confirmed there are no disagreements between Greek-Orthodox people and their Turkish-Cypriot brothers.The problems, he said, are from "the interferences by the Turkish government, which stops any attempt of integration between the two communities in mutual respect."
The World Seen From Rome

So, here is an example of the RoP at work. This is direct interference in the Orthodox Church in Turkey. What purpose comes from barring the meeting? Obviously the Orthodox have a Dhimmi status and the Turkish government believes that it has the right to prevent the meeting.

They would cry foul if Christians prevent the followers of the false prophet from meeting, so this shows the outright hypocrisy of the Turkish government.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ahmadinejad: 'Enemies Trying to Replace Divine Faiths with Misleading Thoughts'

Ahmadinejad: 'Enemies Trying to Replace Divine Faiths with Misleading Thoughts'

Hat tip: Little Green Footballs

Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 9:30:33 am PST

Iran’s Islamic Republic News Agency has an article about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s latest philosophical musings at the opening ceremony of The Fourth Ahl-ul-Bait General Assembly, on the need for Islam to take over the world: President: Enemies trying to replace divine faiths with misleading thoughts.

This is the latest in the ramblings of Ahmanutjob of Iran. The messages themselves are getting more and more sinister, yet I can see that the useful idiots of the left cannot understand the underlying theme in these messages, and that their whole philosophical system is as much under threat as that of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as a number of other minor sectarian groups.

He stressed the necessity of maintaining unity and solidarity by Muslim nations and urged the participating Muslim scholars to protect souls of "the faithful whose hearts are prepared to accept the call of divine religions and prophets."
"We are not only responsible for world Muslims," said the president, "but also our duty is far beyond that," said the president.

There is an underlying message in these words, and western scholars need to become more diligent and discerning in how they interpret what is being stated by Ahmanutjob.  The way in which Ahmanutjob uses the disguise of religion for what is really a matter of politics is quite alarming. He is not in the slightest bit concerned about the "souls of the faithful", because the real message is in the words "but also our duty is far beyond that"....

"People of the world dislike the existing situation despite all abrications and concealing of the facts on the part of world arrogant powers," President Ahmadinejad added.

"Our duty has gone beyond the geographic borders of the Islamic world. Muslim scholars must invite world population to monotheism and Islam," said the president.

The real sting in this message is contained in the sentence of this report: "Muslim scholars must invite world population to monotheism and Islam."

Keeping in mind that the majority of Christians believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, we need to consider more carefully what precisely Ahmanutjob the Mohammedan is saying. The Mohammedans have a different view of God from that of the Christian. As a Catholic, I understand the Trinity in terms of One God, but that there are three persons, just like in an equilateral triangle, where all sides are equal. We do not believe in three gods, which is what the Mohammedans claim that we believe, but in one God. Yet, in this one sentence, we see that Ahmanutjob is in fact referring to mainstream Trinitarian Christians when he says that Muslim scholars must invite world population to monotheism and Islam. This is in fact a direct threat to the world.

However, the MSM and the liberal left, including the looney Greens do not get it, and they continue to embrace a political system that is wrapped up in religosity.

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Iraqi officials: Truck bombings killed at least 500 -

Iraqi officials: Truck bombings killed at least 500 -

The followers of the false prophet are at it again. This time the victims are of a minority sect in the north of Iraq. They are a blend of Christian, Zoroastrian, Manichee and Islamic beliefs.

This is without a doubt the work of operatives from the Al Qaeda network and it is meant as a means of ethnic cleansing, whilst at the same time sending a message to the people of the United States of America as a way of trying to prove that the surge is not working.

Once again the followers of the false prophet will declare the perpetrator as a martyr, but as a Christian, this is just too hard to swallow. Martyrs, that is the real martyrs are not murderers who kill themselves at the same time. The perpetrator has committed the crime of murder-suicide, and he will receive a just reward from the only judge that matters.

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