Saturday, October 27, 2007

Lebanese troops fire on IAF jets - are we heading towards another war?


Officials: Lebanese troops fired on IAF jets - Israel News, Ynetnews

I bet the MSM will remain quiet over the fact that Lebanese troops, (probably ones not loyal to the government but to Nasrallah) fired upon Israeli aircraft doing routine reconnaissance. This might be a situation that needs to be watched more carefully because it could signal another "war", and yes Syria and her master Iran want that war to take place.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Jihad Watch: CAIR gloats over HLF mistrial, but the celebration may be premature

Jihad Watch: CAIR gloats over HLF mistrial, but the celebration may be premature

The HLF verdict ended up as a mistrial because of jurors changing their minds after the initial verdict was made (were they paid off or threatened?). CAIR and those who were placed on trial are celebrating what they see as a victory, but as Jihad Watch observes, the victory celebration might be a little bit premature:

CAIR gloats over HLF mistrial, but the celebration may be premature

"War is deception" is, of course, a quote from Muhammad himself. "Motion For Retrial," from Investor's Business Daily (thanks to Doc Washburn):

Trail Of Terror: The Council on American-Islamic Relations is cheering a mistrial in a major terror case as a "stunning defeat" for the U.S. government. But the celebration may be premature.

Federal prosecutors say they'll retry the case against leaders of the Holy Land Foundation, the nation's largest Muslim charity, which they accused of funneling more than $12 million to Hamas terrorists.

CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the case, also cheered a similar outcome in a federal case against Muslim activist Sami al-Arian in Florida. As in the Holy Land case, jurors deadlocked on several terror counts. But prosecutors threatened a retrial and al-Arian later pleaded guilty to lesser charges.

He was defended by the same lawyer defending one of the accused Holy Land leaders, Ghassan Elashi, who happens to also be a founding member of CAIR.

Barring plea bargains, the U.S. will narrow its charges and refile them — hopefully with a new judge. U.S. District Judge Joe Fish barred key evidence helping prosecutors prove willful intent to support terror on the part of defendants.

For example, he threw out a dozen documents seized by the Israeli government in raids of Hamas fronts that would have tied the Dallas-based charity closer to the terror group. Fish also allowed defendants to intimidate jurors.

Not long after the trial opened, after a morning of testimony by government witnesses, a visibly angry Elashi shouted and pointed as jurors exited the courtroom for lunch. The judge scolded him for the outburst — which included a rant about "a Zionist conspiracy" — but decided not to kick him out of the courtroom.


No doubt they'll streamline their evidence, highlighting the more powerful exhibits, including:

• FBI wiretaps of a meeting in Philadelphia between Holy Land and Hamas big shots in which Holy Land's director is overheard scheming to disguise payments to Hamas as charity, noting that "war is deception."

Testimony from FBI agents that Holy Land flew Hamas clerics to the U.S. to help raise funds at mosques.

• Videos of a Holy Land defendant pretending to kill an Israeli during a Hamas fundraising skit held at one mosque.

• Key chains, videos and posters praising suicide bombers found inside the Hamas front "committees" that Holy Land helped bankroll.

The defendants also kept two sets of records at their Dallas offices — one in English, the other in Arabic — which they destroyed during the FBI's probe.

Lawyers for the accused expect us to believe that all this suspicious activity was merely an attempt to help needy Palestinians with "vaccinations" and "rice." Civil juries haven't fallen for the subterfuge.


The evidence is clear. Now it's up to the PC-plagued Justice Department to present it to jurors in a way that doesn't make their eyes glaze over. Retry the case. Only this time, don't try their patience.

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Freedom of Speech denied at Emory U

Gateway Pundit has a good article on the manner in which left wing students and their Muslim "friends" destroyed the right to freedom of speech.

You can read about it here:

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pulling the strings of the Dhimmicrats

I have to admit that Dr. Sanity never ceases to amaze when it comes to some of the really great articles that she finds, and this one is no exception. Now I am not an American, but that does not mean that I am not interested in the race to become the next President of the USA. Personally, I think that neither Hillary Clinton nor Barak Obama are worthy candidates. Where Hilary is concerned, well I see her as a scheming hard hearted female dog. As far as Barak Obama is concerned, he has been shooting off at the mouth too much. The Democrats need stronger contenders, people who can be trusted to have more concern about the American people than their own selfish pursuits for power, Hilary Clinton style (stepping off soap box to continue with the purpose of this post):

If any of my readers are familiar with the movie Chicago, then you will remember the scene where the lawyer does a quick step two step as he pulls the strings and manipulates the press gallery. It is a really great scene because the reporters are well and truly manipulated by the smoke and mirrors that are being flashed before them as they accept hook, line and sinker the tale that is being fed to them, as to why Roxie shot her lover. It is with this imagery in mind that I have given Dr. Sanity's article my own title since I think that it is quite fitting to point out how the Dhimmicrats are being manipulated by the Islamist propagandists:


One of the definitions of the word dummy is "a large puppet usually having movable features (as mouth and arms) manipulated by a ventriloquist". Of course, it also is a word that means "a stupid person".
Per Robert Spencer, Dhimmitude is the status that Islamic law (i.e., Sharia) mandates for non-Muslims, primarily Jews and Christians. Dhimmis, “protected” or “guilty” people, are free to practice their religion in a Sharia regime, but are made subject to a number of humiliating regulations designed to enforce the Qur'an's command that they "feel themselves subdued" (Sura 9:29). This denial of equality of rights and dignity remains part of the Sharia, and, as such, are part of the legal superstructure that global jihadists are laboring through violence to restore everywhere in the Islamic world, and wish ultimately to impose on the entire human race

Both sets of definitions apply to today's Democratic leadership when it comes to their foreign policy positions regarding the war on terror.

Here is an extremely interesting bit of writing by Tariq Alhomayed, the editor of Asharq Alawsat, an international Arabic daily newspaper, who catalogs Iran's many efforts to destablize the region and accumulate power to itself. In "Washington and Tehran: Negotiating Over What?", Alhomayed says:

US Democratic candidates, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, have expressed their intention to engage in “unconditional negotiations” with Iran, should either of them attain the presidency. The question is: Negotiate over what?
Are the conflicts in the Middle East a result of a crisis in Washington-Tehran relations; or rather, does it revolve around Iran’s expansion ambitions and its interference in the internal affairs of Arab states for over 20 years?
Is the Washington-Tehran crisis a result of the absence of dialogue, or is it by reason of Iran’s aspirations to destabilize the region?

The list he makes is rather impressive. Iran has
  • Occupied the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) islands in the Arabian Gulf
  • tearing Beirut in half, while seeking to restore Syrian occupation over it, under Iranian guardianship
  • Tehran occupies the heart of Iraq and its peripheries and is undertaking unbelievable actions through its men operating within the regime.
  • the financial backbone of Hamas and now speaks on behalf of the Palestinian cause
  • fueling public opinion in Iran and steering it towards hostility with the US. Today, it is this same Arab Street card that the Iranians exploit to recruit suicide bombers and sympathizers.
  • interferes in all the Arab world’s elections by pumping huge sums of money with the purpose of imposing a different reality than the existing one; the most prominent example of which is the Bahraini elections.
  • embraces some of Al Qaeda’s leadership and
  • is disrupting relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan
  • is instigating and managing sectarian conflicts in the Arab world, which results in giving conflicts in the region a religious cover. This, in turn, has caused the region to drown in a sea of spilled blood
  • seeks to acquire nuclear weapons, while preparing to wholly devour Iraq with the aid of one of its tools: Syria.

  • Alhomayed concludes with a blistering denunciation of the Democratic leadership in the U.S. who is sending the wrong--in fact, the worst possible, message to Tehran:
    The strange thing is that at a time when international efforts are being made to establish an international coalition against Iran’s pursuit for nuclear weapons, the Democrats are waving the carrot before Tehran. As such, Iran will surely interpret the message as an invitation to consolidate position on the ground and in the region until the Democrats reach power, after which it can negotiate with Washington from a position of power.

    The Dummycrats Dhimmicrats Democrats are sending a strong message of appeasement that only encourages the brutal forces that stand against human freedom and wish to enslave mankind. These barbarians intend to herd humanity back to the "idyllic" days of the middle ages and toward another holocaust and world war to achieve their apocalyptic vision.

  • The Democratic Party of FDR and JFK would have understood this reality; but the party of Pelosi, Reid, Clinton, Obama et al, are oblivious.
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  • Dummies or Dhimmis? Or both? You decide.
    That is why they cannot and should not gain the White House in 2008.

  • Tuesday, October 23, 2007

    How people seeking to tell the truth are treated on campus

    Speaker Nonie Darwish Says Female Students Are “Hamas Trained”

    Robert Stacy McCain blogging at The Washington Time’s Fishwrap sends this update on Nonie Darwish.

    Nonie Darwish is an Arab-American writer and public speaker. She is the author of the book Now they Call Me Infidel; Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel and the War on Terror. Nonie's message is not about disloyalty but love for her culture of origin. She blames Arab leadership and the media for the endless rage and violence of the Arab street.
    Phyllis Chesler describes how Nonie Darwish was treated by the the crowd at Wellesley College last week during her talk at Pajamas Media:

    Last week, on October 18, 2007, our hero Darwish spoke at the all-female Wellesley College as the guest of Hillel on campus. She was not treated as a hero; then again, maybe she was, maybe her treatment is precisely how heroes are greeted on American campuses today.
    About 80-100 students came. Far more Muslim than Jewish students came and “so many” of the Muslim girls were wearing head-scarves.
    According to Darwish, the female students in head-scarves did the following: As she spoke, they made exaggerated, “mean girl” faces at her. They rolled their eyes, practiced “disbelieving” facial expressions—did everything but stick out their tongues. And they continued to talk to each other in loud whispers while Darwish spoke: “How can she tell such lies!” “I was never, ever indoctrinated against Jews!” “Can you believe what she is saying?” “We do not call Jews pigs and apes, how can she lie about her own people?”
    In addition to the “mean girl” faces and the continual loud whispering, one by one, at least four to five head-scarved girls, got up to leave the room during Darwish’s speech. This meant that each girl took two minutes to move to the end of her row, physically causing the other students to get up or twist aside, causing the entire room to look at the departing student, not at their invited guest—and then each girl did precisely the same thing when she returned two minutes later, presumably from a bathroom break.
    They quadruple-teamed Darwish and did not stop until Darwish ended her lecture. Twenty to thirty minutes of soft-core, well-choreographed, goon squad behavior. “They are Hamas-trained” says Darwish.
    “And all the while,” Darwish says, “the Jewish students cringed and cowered, so afraid that they might have hurt Muslim feelings. (Or rather, that the Muslims might physically hurt them afterwards. According to Darwish, one Jewish student told her that “she “was locking her door. I am scared.”)
    She is probably right to be. During the Question and Answer period, many of the head-scarved students expressed calculated, injured outrage. “How dare (Hillel) bring this woman to our campus? How dare she insult Islam, tell lies about Islam” etc. “We are free under Islam, how can she deny this?”
    …Darwish concludes: “Muslim girls like these are like gangsters. They know more about their rights in America than the Jewish girls do. The Muslim girls all have a chip on their shoulders.”
    And then she is silent. Softly, she says: “We are fighting an avalanche. We are too few. I am frightened by my culture of origin. I am scared of my own people.”
    Nonie Darwish is speaking tonight at UC Berkeley. Andrew Marcus is filming the event and blogger Megan Sego from California Patriot Blog is in attendance.
    This is cross-posted at Incorrect U.

    Are Syria and Iran Manipulating Turkey on Iraq

    commentary from Walid Phares:

    PKK is the Kurdish Worker’s Party that adopted violence in its
    struggle against Turkey.
    As the Turkish Parliament recently voted to
    authorize a limited invasion into Northern Iraq to fight the PKK
    militias, one can see the rising shadows of two hostile regimes in the
    region, eager to see a NATO member, Turkey, eventually clashing with
    the United States through their local allies in Iraq.
    Indeed, the
    Iranian and Syrian regimes have been pushing the precarious mechanisms
    of a Turkish military intervention into Northern Iraq for a while now.
    Logically, a collapse of security in the most secure part of Iraq would
    lead to a crumbling of the military stabilization of the country, a
    chief objective of US plans in Iraq.

    But the Iran plans for Iraq, which I have analyzed in a previous
    article, consist of three types of destabilization: An Iranian push in
    the south, a Syrian opening for the Jihadists in the center, and
    dragging Turkey to a dogfight in the mountains of the north.

    In order to launch the third leg preemptively into Iraqi Kurdistan,
    Tehran and Damascus have been pushing all the right buttons for the
    confrontation. Iran's shelling of villages in the northern part of
    Iraqi Kurdistan over the past months aimed at encouraging Turkey to do
    the same.

    Opening salvos by the Ayatollahs are to test the Kurdish and US
    Moreover, Iran's Pasdaran - the Revolutionary Guard that
    provides training and support to terrorist groups throughout the region
    and abroad - is said to have infiltrated some circles within the PKK,
    since the latter was based in Syria a few years ago. The PKK suddenly
    has been waging inexplicable operations inside Eastern Turkey with a
    new energy, after years of calm. Sources believe the PKK was
    manipulated by both Iran and Syria into these terror acts on Turkish
    soil while the official bases of the group are on Iraqi soil. Hence the
    attacks triggering Turkish anger and responses may have been
    manipulated by the "axis."

    But the Syrian regime has another card it could have played.
    According to well informed sources in the region, and not to the
    surprise of experts, the Alawite regime in Syria (Alawites are
    important to the leadership of Syria, as President Bashar al-Assad and
    his father, Hafez are Alawite) has had good relations with Alawite
    officers inside the Turkish armed forces. The “Alawite connection” may
    have been activated to encourage a military response and incursion into
    northern Iraq. But nevertheless, the Assad regime and the Turkish
    Islamist Government - reinforced by the last Presidential election in
    Ankara - have a joint objective interest in weakening the US presence
    in Iraq.

    Assad thinks that he can help create a major Turkish-Iranian-Syrian
    alliance against the Kurds in Northern Iraq. And by the same logic, the
    Kurds, solid US allies, will be facing another formal ally of
    Washington on Iraqi soil: Turkey. The plan is to drag the Turkish Army
    (traditionally not inclined to find itself face to face with its major
    ally) to enter a territory where "terrorists are based," but where they
    could be indistinguishable from those Kurdish Peshmergas who are the
    backbone of the new post-Saddam Iraq. The rest can be guessed.

    As the “axis” is using all its cards to crumble Iraq’s and Lebanon’s
    democracies, the Kurds in Northern Iraq should have acted quickly and
    strategically. There shouldn’t have been any PKK bases in their areas
    because these are a recipe for disaster.

    The situation in Iraq as a whole is still complex, precarious and
    explosive, despite the advances made by the new US military plans,
    including the surge. The north must remain stable and secure and, above
    all, at peace with the only “NATO” border it has. The other frontiers
    Iraqi Kurdistan has are with the Pasdarans and the Syrian Baath. Both
    want the new Iraq’s head.

    Instead of playing charms with Tehran and Damascus, the Kurdistan
    city of Soleimaniye must reinforce its own deterring force and maintain
    stability and peace on its northern border with Turkey. Knowing all too
    well that the new Islamist Government in Ankara is shifting the grounds
    inside the modernist Kemalist Republic, Iraq’s Kurdish leadership
    mustn’t offer any reason for a Turkish adventure in their areas.

    Hence, it is recommended that the Kurdish leaders of Iraq be the
    ones to reign in the PKK to avoid having the Turkish Army crossing the
    borders. The US can - and should - broker arrangements between the
    Iraqi Kurds and the Turkish military to avoid the rise of an
    anti-Kurdish Triangle in the region.


    Dr Walid Phares is the director of Future Terrorism Project at the
    Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, a visiting scholar at the
    European Foundation for Democracy, and the author of The War of Ideas:
    Jihadism against Democracy.

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    All in a rage about nothing

    Gateway Pundit: Angry Muslims Clash in Dhaka Over Offensive "Cat" Cartoon

    The cat cartoon that brought on this latest burst of rage in Bangladesh was drawn by a 17 year old Muslim boy. The imams did their usual thing, went into the mosques for Friday prayers and it was on again....


    Activists of the Islamic student group Bangladesh Students Majlish set fire to copies of the Prothom Alo newspaper and their magazine Weekly 2000, during a protest after Friday prayers in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, Sept. 21, 2007. The activists demanded a ban on the paper and magazine after they published cartoons that Muslims said insulted their religion, police and the government said. (AP Photo/Pavel Rahman)

    Police broke up a protest today by hundreds of angry Muslims upset over the publication of an offensive cat cartoon.
    Dhaka, 21 Sept. (AKI) - Police in Bangladesh broke up a protest by hundreds of Muslims in the capital Dhaka over the publication of a cartoon that they say offended their religion.

    A report on the local newspaper The Daily Star said that several hundred activists of six Islamic organisations began the protest march outside the capital's Baitul Mokarram mosque after Friday prayers.

    Bangladesh's caretaker government suspended the publication, Alpin, a weekly satire magazine of leading Bengali daily Prothom Alo. The magazine's publishers also apologised and appealed for forgiveness for the drawing.

    The cartoon shows a small boy referring to his cat as "Mohammad cat". The image provoked outrage and protestors said that it was a deliberate attempt to ridicule Islam's Prophet Mohammad.

    The cartoonist, Arifur Rahman, was arrested on 17 September by the police.

    The Daily Star reports that the editors from several leading newspapers including Prothom Alo have appealed for forgiveness.

    The editors urged the country's religious leaders or ulema to consider the newspaper's apology and also called for calm and restraint.

    Paris-based press freedom group, Reporters Without Borders, has called for the release of Arifur Rahman.
    The demonstrators demanded the execution of the paper's editor, Matiur Rahman- BBC.

    Activists of Hizb ut Tahrir, Bangladesh, set fire to copies of the Prothom Alo newspaper, during a protest in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2007. (AP)

    Riot policemen baton charge activists of the Islamic student group Hizb-ut-Tahrir, to disperse them as they march towards the office of Prothom Alo newspaper during a protest after Friday prayers in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, Sept. 21, 2007. The activists demanded a ban on the paper and their magazine Weekly 2000 after they published cartoons that Muslims said insulted their religion, police and the government said. (AP Photo/Pavel Rahman)

    Anti-Semitic Hezbollah Propaganda or News? You Be the Judge

    Gateway Pundit: Anti-Semitic Hezbollah Propaganda or News? You Be the Judge

    Some crackpots believe that Iranian President Ahmadinejad did not call for wiping Israel off the map but that it was just some mistake in translation.

    An Iranian holds a "wipe off Israel" poster during an anti-Israel rally on Friday Oct. 28, 2005 in Tehran. (AP)

    Author Barry Rubin examines the anti-Semitic propaganda in the Western media that is disquised as news today in his article at GLORIA Center:

    He identifies bias on university campuses where for example the former president of Harvard was uninvited by the University of California because of his political views. He also points to the group of former terrorists who want to speak about their experiences being excluded or barred from more than one American University Campus. To this I would add the pressure that was being exerted to prevent a former Dutch politician and Somali refugee from speaking in Australia.

    The same kind of biases are occurring in the mainstream media, especially the print media:

    So should what seem to be lies and those who seem to be crackpots (at least on the particular points they are making) be given space? Should newspapers give their readers a sense that the Iranian president did not call for destroying Israel but that it was just some mistake in translation? (Despite the fact that the official Iranian translation of his words was “wiping Israel off the map”?) Should Hamas be given space for op-eds crafted by public relations operatives claiming moderation? Should easily demonstrable lies be published about Israel committing various massacres and other blood libels?

    What has been occurring is that the boundaries have eroded, and where the media used to not give space to Arab propaganda, the publishers are now allowing the publication of inciteful, false antisemitic screeds.

    However, what can one believe when the print media (via AP of course) allow the following article by Sam Ghattas to be published:

    All of this is leading up to Sam F. Ghattas, AP, “Hezbollah Blames Israel for Killings,” October 5, 2007.

    Hizballah’s leader blames Israel for the series of assassinations of anti-Syria, anti-Hizballah politicians. "`The hand that is killing is Israel's,’ Nasrallah told thousands of supporters who occasionally interrupted his speech with roars of approval.” No information is given in the article that would lead a reader to believe that these are pitiful lies. (They are pitiful because Hizballah waited so long to make them. In the old days they would have been blaming Israel within hours of the killings and all Arab media would have been duty-bound to repeat them.)

    So is this news?
    And by the way the article concludes:

    “The gathering by several thousand Hezbollah supporters was organized by the Iranian-backed Hezbollah to mark `Al-Quds Day,’ or Jerusalem Day, in support of Palestinian rights and emphasizing the importance of Jerusalem to Muslims.” So that’s what the demonstration was about? I thought it was about equating Israel with Satan, preaching hatred of the United States, and demanding that Israel be wiped from the pages of history. Perhaps my conclusions were all a mistake in translation and it was a human rights demonstration. Or, again, this is what readers might think. There is more on this anti-Semitic Hezbollah propaganda at the GLORIA Center.

    Monday, October 22, 2007

    Tony Blair sticks it to the Left about Radical Islam

    So it seems that Tony Blair is not so lily-livered when it comes to the truth about radical Islam after all. Gateway Pundit reports on a speech given by Mr. Blair at the 62nd Alfred E Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner in New York on October 8. It seems that Mr. Blair got stuck into the Left for blaming the rise of radical Islam on the West:

    Islamist extremism is similar to “rising fascism in the 1920s and
    , Tony Blair said last night in his first major speech since
    leaving office.

    At a prestigious charity dinner in New York,
    the former Prime Minister said that public figures who blamed the rise
    of fundamentalism on the policies of the West were "mistaken".

    told the audience, which included New York governor Eliot Spitzer and
    mayor Michael Bloomberg, that Iran was the biggest exporter of the
    ideology, and that the Islamic republic was prepared to "back and
    finance terror" to support it.

    “Out there in the Middle East,
    we’ve seen... the ideology driving this extremism and terror is not
    exhausted. On the contrary it believes it can and will exhaust us
    first," he said.

    “Analogies with the past are never properly
    accurate, and analogies especially with the rising fascism can be
    easily misleading but, in pure chronology, I sometimes wonder if we’re
    not in the 1920s or 1930s again.

    “This ideology now has a
    state, Iran, that is prepared to back and finance terror in the pursuit
    of destabilising countries whose people wish to live in peace.”

    added: “There is a tendency even now, even in some of our own circles,
    to believe that they are as they are because we have provoked them and
    if we left them alone they would leave us alone.

    “I fear this is mistaken. They have no intention of leaving us alone.

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    Sunday, October 21, 2007

    More information on the riots in Amsterdam


    With thanks to Gateway Pundit:


    AMSTERDAM – The man, who was shot by a police officer at the police station of the Amsterdam district Slotervaart and died shortly afterwards on Sunday, was in contact with members of the Hofstad terrorist organisation in 2005. It was Bilal Bajaka, a man of Moroccan descent living in Amsterdam. Chief public prosecutor Leo de Wit said this at a press conference on Monday.
    The police and the General Intelligence and Security Service, AIVD had had consultations about Bilal B’s contacts with the Hofstad group, according to De Wit. "Several members of the Hofstad group were detained on 14 October 2005, two years ago yesterday. Bilal was heard as a witness and was scrutinised by the police. In October 2005, the public prosecutor discussed the possibility to 'disturb' Bilal B. but eventually it was decided that there was no reason for this at that moment."
    Bilal B. had been appearing in the police data bank since 1998. In that year he was involved in a serious violent offence. He attacked and wounded a person with a screwdriver. During the following years he has been involved in property offences. He belonged to the so-called hard core youths of Slotervaart and ended up in a prison cell on various occasions. From October 2003 he was serving a 15-month-prison sentence for a property offence. In the spring of 2007 it appeared that he had psychological problems.
    Police chief Bernard Welten said at the press conference that the medical operations on the two injured police officers had been successful. The female police sergeant who had fired the shot, was stabbed in the chest and twice in the back. A pulmonary artery was hit and her lung was perforated. The bleeding was stopped and the perforation sealed. "Hence the operation can be said to be successful," Welten said. "Her condition is satisfactory."
    Her male colleague was stabbed five times and had several cuts in his face and shoulders. An artery in his head was hit and was stitched. The stabbing of his throat was deep and the wind pipe was hit. "This colleague too is doing well given the circumstances," Welten said..
    B. appeared at the police station at around noon on Sunday and almost immediately jumped across the reception desk. He began stabbing away at the police officer on duty who was behind the desk. He stabbed her in the chest. She jumped up and tried to escape but the man ran after her and stabbed her twice again. A male colleague who rushed to help her was stabbed in the throat and shoulder, whereupon the female police officer got her gun and fired at the man. He succumbed to his wounds shortly afterwards.

    Charles Johnson has more on the rioting that followed the brutal attack.
    Klein Verzet is reporting more from Amsterdam.

    Outside the police station things were hot. (Telegraaf)
    Klein Verzet links Bilal to Theo van Gogh's killer:
    Local burgomaster Ahmed Marcouch said he sympathized with the jihadists family because they had to wait for nearly two years before their son could be treated for his 'psychological' problems. And newspaper Telegraaf now reports that while Bilal was in jail in 2003, Mohammed Bouyeri came and visited him. Mohammed Bouyeri was the jihadist who was in 2004 on a suicide mission slaughtering Theo van Gogh (although to his regret he did not got shot dead by the police).
    Later, a news crew was attacked by youths while filming the trashed and torched cars from the rioting.
    And, then of course, there is this:
    It seems that Bilal has shouted in Arabic when he attacked the police officers. This could very well be something like "Allah Akbar", but that's something the Dutch authorities don't want the public to know.

    Militants set off plastic explosives bomb in Manila. Was this the work of Catholics?

    BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | 'Explosives' caused Manila blast

    The BBC reports that 9 people are dead and more than 130 people were injured in a bomb blast in Manila.

    The president's security adviser Norberto Gonzales said
    the Islamist militant group Abu Sayyaf has been trying to raise
    international support over the internet.

    "What is more ominous here is they may be planning a bigger attack," he said on Philippines radio.

    Militants have targeted the Philippines capital in the past.
    So I guess that this is not the work of the majority Catholic population in the Philippines, but it is the work of the Islamists. There is no doubt that wherever this scum is to be found there is a high death rate with regard to murder-suicide.

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    Cars burnt after Amsterdam death

    The BBC News has a follow up report on the riots in Amsterdam. It is interesting to note that they specify that it is a very small group of Moroccan youths who are behind the trouble. The 22 year old who was killed after stabbing two police officers at a police station had been treated for psychiatric problems. The BBC also reports that this particular man had been questioned over his links to extremist Islamists who were linked to the murder of Theo Van Gogh.

    It really does beg the question as to whether the riots themselves were planned in advance, and it should be made clear that those involved in this particular case are very much a minority in Holland. Nevertheless, they are behaving in the same way as the extremists in both Brussells and Paris in previous years, and the fact that the riot has taken place after the close of Ramadan remains significant.

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    Saturday, October 20, 2007

    Murder-suicide attack in Pakistan

    Pakistani Pressure-Cooker

    By Aaron Mannes

    Assuming Pakistani police reports are accurate (a big if) that the attack on returning former Pakistani premier Benazir Bhutto's convoy was not a car-bomb but a suicide bomber, it would be the deadliest attack by an individual suicide vest so far.

    The massive throng that turned out to see Bhutto was a perfect target for a suicide bomber, and there were warning in advance. Bhutto has refrained from blaming the Pakistani government, but she has stated that security was inadequate. As I've noted before, considering the general level of competence displayed by the Pakistani government, this is hardly surprising.

    This brings up a crucial point. The massive crowds were certainly drawn by Bhutto's charisma. But they also came because of their high hopes that Bhutto can bring peace, prosperity, and order. A quick scan of major Pakistani papers reveals crumbling infrastructure, frequent electricity outages, and failing hospitals. This is on top of endemic poverty and corruption and high-levels of political violence (with some areas as effective no-go zones for the government.) In short, for many Pakistanis life is extremely difficult.

    Benazir Bhutto is, without doubt, a world historical figure - albeit a flawed one. But saving Pakistan is beyond any one person. The issues are structural. Frequently, U.S. foreign policy focuses on individual leader. Now that Musharraf is problematic, the U.S. has pressed for the restoration of democracy and the return of Bhutto. But the issues go beyond the personalities at the top. In Egypt, the United States has adopted a policy of providing extensive aid in order to maintain stability. It has succeeded, but Egypt has stagnated and become a leading exporter of radical Islam (the managerial and intellectual backbone of al-Qaeda is Egyptian.)

    Pakistan is also becoming a leading exportrt of Islamism and it has nuclear weapons. In short, the copying the Egyptian strategy and playing for stability in the short run is not the safe bet and supporting Bhutto (and more importantly the restoration of civilian rule) is only a first step.

    Vatican responds to call from Muslim scholars

    A top Vatican official has praised the Muslim call for dialogue whilst at the same time saying that there are difficulties in having a real theological debate because they saw the Koran as the literal word of God and would not discuss it in depth.

    Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran stated in an interview in the French Catholic daily La Croix, that Christians would have to discuss the curbs on building churches in the Islamic world in any dialogue with the Muslim scholars.

    The Cardinal stated that: "Muslims do not accept that one can discuss the Koran in depth because they say it was written by dictation from God. With such an absolute interpretation, it is difficult to discuss the contents of faith."

    The fact that Muslims can build mosques in Europe (and elsewhere) while many Islamic states limit or ban church building cannot be ignored. "In limited dialogue among believers, it is fundamental to say what is good for one is good for the other" he said.
    Whilst other Christian denominations welcomed the letter from the Muslim scholars, the key to any coordinated response is the Catholic response. It is expected that Pope Benedict will make a response to the appeal from the Muslim scholars when he addresses an interfaith meeting in Naples.

    Muslim Youths cause riots in the Netherlands

    It seems that the trend towards rioting after the end of Ramadan has taken hold over the last few years. First it was in Paris, where riots erupted after 3 youths, who had committed a felony died after they were electrocuted at a power substation. These riots spread over the whole of France, where millions of dollars worth of damage was reported. Now, it seems that when a Muslim youth was shot dead, after he pulled a knife on two policemen in a police station, that this was the signal for riots to erupt in Amsterdam.

    Nine days in Slotervaart: Immigrant youths turn to violence in Amsterdam," by Georg Schreuder Hes for Radio Netherlands:

    It has been an unusually violent week for Amsterdam's western Slotervaart district. Cars were torched and youths clashed with police on several consecutive nights after a 22-year-old ethnic Moroccan was shot dead at a police station. He was killed by a policewoman he had just stabbed a number of times. The riots that followed reminded Amsterdam's Chief Commissioner Bernard Welten of a major nightmare for Western European cities: violence on a Parisian scale. Every major town in the Netherlands has its share of so-called problem youths, the type of violent adolescents who gang up to terrorize the neighbourhood. Many of them are the children of migrant workers of Moroccan descent who arrived in the Netherlands in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The Dutch called them guest workers, the operative idea being that they would return to their country of origin when they were no longer needed. So nobody bothered to teach them Dutch, or much of anything else for that matter. The guest workers had their wives come over, but they, just like their husbands were not expected, or encouraged, to integrate into Dutch society....

    Like Jihad Watch has pointed out, the author of the article seems to not understand that these "migrant workers" never wanted to integrate in the first place. If the Dutch were remiss in ensuring that there was integration, then the same is true regarding these Moroccan migrant workers.

    However, is this the real reason that these riots have been allowed to happen? I do not think that lack of integration is the key issue here. I think that it is a part of a European wide trend to cause chaos. The perpetrators are Muslims, and most are of North African origin. One would think that by now the politicians in Europe would finally "get it", that this group want to impose their own rules and standards upon every one else.

    In the above story about the riots in the Netherlands, a few things need to be pointed out regarding the deliberate action of the youth who was killed. First of all, he attacked a policewoman, who then killed him. She had been stabbed multiple times by this Moroccan youth, so was she to stand there and allow herself to be killed? Second, the police officer was a woman.  Third, no one seems to appreciate the fact that this form of rioting is vandalism and that vandalism is a criminal offense. All who are participating should be charged with a felony, without the acceptance of excuses.

    Wednesday, October 17, 2007

    How the Banana Boat song became twisted

    London, Oct.12 (ANI): Caribbean singer Harry Belafonte's popular "Banana Boat" song was twisted by terror camp leader Atilla Ahmet to preach jihad to kids at the Jameah Islamic school, near Crowborough in Sussex.

    Ahmet, according to the Daily Mail, called it his "Jihad Calypso", and convinced children at the school to sing it along with him at a performance. That performance was later recorded, a court here was told.

    The lyrics of the 84-worded song went as follows:

    "Come Mr. Taliban, come give me Kalasnikov. Come Mr. Taliban, come bomb England... before the daylight come, you wanna see Ten Downing Street.

    Come Mr. Taliban, come implement Shariah. Come Mr. Taliban, come bomb England before the daylight come, Insh'Allah, it will be done.

    Hey Mr. Taliban, come kill the dirty kuffir, get rid of the haram, because we want halal.

    Hey Mr. Taliban, boom, boom, boom, come bomb England before the daylight come. Insh'Allah, it will be done.

    Ahmet, a former preacher at Finsbury Park Mosque, has pleaded guilty to three counts of soliciting murder in connection with a case now being heard at Woolwich Crown Court.

    Mohammed Hamid and four other men are on trial accused of links to a plot to conduct terrorist training camps in the UK. They deny the charges.

    Hamid is accused of radicalizing the July 21 bombers by brainwashing them on paint balling trips.

    The four other men on trial are Mousa Brown, 41, of Walthamstow, North-East London; Kibley da Costa, 24, of West Norwood, South London; Kader Ahmed, 20, of Plaistow, East London; and Mohammed Al Figari, 43, of Tottenham, North London.

    All the men deny all the charges.

    In August 2006, Ahmet told Dawood that Hamid had stopped his Friday prayer meetings because "things were getting a bit hot".

    In September, the group convened at their usual meeting place, a Chinese restaurant in Borough, South London.

    Hamid and Ahmet went outside to talk and when they returned, Ahmet told the group they had been rumbled by the police.

    Moments later, officers burst in and arrested them. A search of their homes uncovered material glorifying suicide bombers and beheadings, the court heard.

    The trial continues. (ANI)

    Tuesday, October 16, 2007

    Madrid bomb plotters trial due to begin

    The trial of 30 suspected Islamic militants accused of planning a series of bomb attacks on Madrid has started in Spain's high court. According to the BBC news, the alleged plot was uncovered just months after the 2004 train bombings that killed 200 people.

    Prosecutors say they planned to drive a truck packed with 500 kg of explosives into Spain's High Court. The idea was to kill hundreds of staff and destroy evidence connected with anti-terrorist trials, including the March 2004 bombings.

    The charges against the men, most of whom are either Algerian or Moroccan, include conspiracy to commit murder and membership of an armed group. Prosecutors say that the group's leader, Mohammed Achraf plooted the attacks from his prison cell. He is accused of organizing terrorist cells known as the martyrs of Morocco to carry out his schemes.

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    Thursday, October 11, 2007

    Islamists damage giant rock Buddha - Telegraph

    Islamists damage giant rock Buddha - Telegraph

    It seems that the iconoclasts have decided to have yet another go at a rock Buddha. This time they have damaged the face of the rock carving. It is disgusting that these people think that they can cause damage to something that has been in the rock for such a long period of time. What these iconoclasts are doing is totally evil.

    The problem with Buddha is whether or not he ever existed as a man. As far as I understand, Buddhism is a philosophy, but it seems that Buddha is also seen as being a god. As such, Buddha is in my view a false, pagan god. That being said, however, I take note of the fact that within Buddhism there are elements of God's truth, and for this I am personally truly thankful that there is a way for the Buddhists to reach the One True God, through doing what is pleasing to Him, by leading a good life including loving one's neighbour, according to God's Will.

    On the other hand, the Islamists constantly claim that they follow the same God as Christians, yet their perception of God is totally off the planet. The Islamist has a master/servant relationship with God. Yet, I might add that this God is also in the image made by Mo the pedophile prophet. I find that the Islamists make claims of offense to Allah when they are the ones who claim to be offended. They always find a way to rage in their anger. Contrast that behaviour with the Buddhist who will sit and pray, and meditate. Admittedly, the monks in Tibet went into the streets to demonstrate against the military junta of Burma, but that is a political and not a religious issue.

    The kind of damage that has been done to what must still be considered a work of art, is that which makes the item irrepairable. It is this kind of damage that turns people away from Islam and it causes many who are considered by these people to be kafur to tell the Islamists to simply "go to hell", where they belong.

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    'Militants' arrested in Maldives

    BBC NEWS | South Asia | 'Militants' arrested in Maldives

    Police in the Maldives have arrested more than 50 people in associated with a bomb blast near an illegal mosque. The people who have been arrested are members of a militant Islamic Jihadi group.

    Who says that this is a religion of peace? It is not peace as I understand the meaning of the word peace.

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    Monday, October 08, 2007

    Nine Christians murdered by the Muslim ragers - where is the outcry?

    Nigeria: Nine Christians murdered over cartoon drawn by a Muslim in Bangladesh

    "They cannot control their anger, they take knives and slaughter." Religion of Tolerance -- and Clear Thinking.

    "Nigeria: Can Condemns Religious Killing in Kano," by John Shiklam for the Daily Champion (Lagos), with thanks to Twostellas:

    GENERAL Secretary of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Mr Samuel Salifu has condemned the killing of Christians in Tudun Dankande local government area of Kano State.

    He called on the state government to bring the perpetrators to book, warning that Christians would no longer condone any attack on them.

    Salifu who spoke with newsmen in Kaduna weekend said that reports reaching him from Kano state said there was trouble in Tudun Dankande local government area of the state Friday where nine Christians, including a youth corper serving in the area were killed and their property destroyed over an internet cartoon said to have emanated from a 20-year-old Muslim boy from Bangladesh.

    "Information available to me is that almost all the churches within that local government area have been razed down and shops belonging to Christians had also been burnt including their houses. We have been told that they have been ejected and their property brought down and burnt.

    "The information given was that they saw a cartoon on the internet and they discovered that this cartoon was drawn by a 20-year-old Muslim boy from Bangladesh and they decided to visit their anger on innocent Christians and their churches.

    "I have been told that nine people including a youth corper are confirmed dead and several others injured while the local government in a desperate attempt to cover the dastardly act pretended to be taking the victims to the hospital while in reality they sent some of the victims to Bauchi and some other places around so that people will not go there and see the number of destitutes or refugees caused by this incident.

    "That is the information available, so far. What we have done is to ensure that the vice president is informed," he alleged.

    He said Christians and their leaders were getting worried because both the Christian leaders and Muslims had been holding series of meetings within and outside the Nigerian Inter Religious Council (NIREC) to see how to bring about peaceful coexistence between followers of the two religions. Salifu regretted, however, that "the more we continue to meet with Muslim leaders the more some of these people attack our people.


    "It is clear that the cartoonist is from Bangladesh and he is a Muslim, so why should they now visit their anger on Christians unless they are lunatics and if you call them this type of name, they say they are angry, but they go killing.

    "They cannot control their anger, they take knives and slaughter. When you tell them what they are doing is wrong, they will turn round and start to kill. Very soon, there would be a lot of blood shed unless they stop this nonsense because the church is getting fed up.

    Posted by Robert at October 5, 2007 6:05 AM

    Hat Tip: Jihad Watch

    Repeat after me, there are no homosexual in Iran

    "No Homosexuals in Iran"

    By Isaac Schrödinger on World War IV

    These Iranian teenagers were executed on July 19, 2005. Initial posthere.

    Teenagers Executed

    Charles links to a CBC documentary:

    Here’s a video documentary in three parts from Canada’s CBC, on the Iranian gay scene and the appalling, barbaric treatment to which they are routinely subjected.

    Viewthe You Tube videos.

    These young men who are being hanged are homosexuals, and this is the punishment for their crime of being caught in the act of having sexual relations with each other. Of course this does not stop the mullahs of Iran making advances on little boys, including kissing 7 year old boys on the mouth.

    Next monthwe'll see a massive protest. (ViaJunk Yard.)

    During the week of October 22-26, 2007, the nation will be rocked by the biggest conservative campus protest ever – Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, a wake-up call for Americans on 200 university and college campuses.

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    Do not tell me that this is a religion of peace (or at least not the way we understand peace)

    Religion of Children with Weapons

    In RoP

    A child with weapons, at an “Al Quds Day” demonstration in Pakistan, and the Associated Press caption couldn’t possibly be more ridiculous.

    Pakistanis stage a demonstration for ‘Al-Quds Day’ (Jerusalem Day), in Karachi, Pakistan on Friday, Oct. 5, 2007. Al-Quds Day is a way of expressing support to the Palestinians and emphasizing the importance of Jerusalem to Muslims. (AP Photo/Jamal Ahmed)

    UPDATE at 10/5/07 10:03:59 am:

    For more pictures of the Al Quds Day hatefest:
    Snapped Shot: Happy Al-Quds West-Hating Fun Day
    Gateway Pundit: Ahmadinejad Calls to Relocate Israel to Alaska

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    Friday, October 05, 2007

    Another Sunni leader opposing Al Qaeda dies

    A leader of a Sunni Arab tribal council which opposed al-Qaeda in Iraq has been killed in a roadside bomb attack north of Baghdad, Iraqi officials have said.

    Sheikh Muawiya Jebara, a senior member of the Salahuddin Awakening Council, and three of his bodyguards were killed as his convoy travelled near Samarra.

    His death comes less than a month after the killing of the head of a similar group in neighbouring Anbar province.

    Meanwhile, the Shia mayor of Iskandariya died in a separate bombing.

    Abbas al-Khafaji, a member of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council (SIIC), and four of his bodyguards were killed when a roadside bomb exploded near their car at a checkpoint, police said.

    A mixed Sunni-Shia town 40km (25 miles) south of the capital, Iskandariya lies in a centre of the Sunni insurgency known as the "triangle of death".

    Tribal alliance

    The attack on Sheikh Muawiya Jebara occurred in mid-afternoon as he travelled to an area south-west of Samarra to support other members of the Salahuddin Awakening Council who were currently fighting al-Qaeda in Iraq.

    The sheikh survived the initial blast, but died from head injuries shortly after arriving in hospital, his brother said.

    The head of the Tikrit-based Salahuddin Awakening Council, Sheikh Sabah Mutashar al-Shammari, recently said the tribal alliance had conducted more than 100 operations against Sunni extremist militants.

    "Our forces are working in co-ordination with the ministers of defence and interior," he told the AFP news agency.

    "Our troops consist of 3,000 fighters distributed across seven headquarters in the province."

    Last month, the leader of the Anbar Awakening, Sheikh Abdul Sattar Abu Risha, was killed in a bomb attack near his home in Ramadi.

    US officials have pointed to the formation of the tribal alliances as one of the most positive developments in their efforts to reduce violence in Iraq.

    MP arrested

    In other news, the US military said it had taken an Iraqi member of parliament into custody after he allegedly attended a meeting of suspected al-Qaeda members.

    The MP was seized during a joint raid by US and Iraqi forces in the town of Sharqat, north of Baghdad.

    The main Sunni Arab alliance in parliament, the Iraqi Accord Front, said the man was one of its members, Naif Jassim Mohammed.

    The US military said the man was being questioned by the authorities, but was not formally considered to be a detainee.

    Later, parliament agreed to let the Iraqi Accord Front replace another of its MPs with one of the country's most famous football stars.

    Ahmed Radhi, the only Iraqi player to have scored in the World Cup, replaced Abed Nasser al-Janabi, who was expelled from parliament in June after saying he was leaving politics to join the insurgency.

    Egypt to Pay for Florida Internet Jihadi's Defense

    The Egyptian government is going to pay for Ahmed Abdellatif Sherif Mohamed's defense and they've hired John Fitzgibbons, the same man who defended Debra Lafave.

    I'm not sure how Mohamed is going to plead not guilty after admitting to putting up a video on YouTube which explained how to turn a remote control toy into an IED detonator along with a note about how he hoped this would help the mujahidin. Maybe he'll use the Chewbacca defense?


    A prominent Florida defense lawyer says Egypt's government is going to hire him to represent a University of South Florida college student charged with making an Internet video showing how to use remote-controlled toys to detonate terrorist bombs.

    John Fitzgibbons said Wednesday that Ahmed Abdellatif Sherif Mohamed will plead not guilty next month to of distributing information relating to explosives, destructive devices, and weapons of mass destruction. His accomplice, Youssef Samir Megahed plead not guilty today.


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    Thursday, October 04, 2007

    Second suspect arrested in Vienna

    A second suspect has been arrested in connection with an attempted attack on the US embassy in Vienna. Austrian officials have said.

    Police have said that he is suspected of being an accomplice to a Bosnian man arrested on Monday after he tried to take a bag of explosives into the U.S. embassy.

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    Sears Tower plot trial begins

    Seven men accused of plotting to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago have go on trial in Miami Florida.

    The men intended to ignite a guerrilla war that would bring down the US government, federal prosecutors said.

    Defence lawyers said FBI informants had devised the plot and the defendants had played along to con money from them.

    "These defendants came together for one sole purpose, to
    wage a holy war against the United States," said prosecutor Richard
    Gregorie in his opening statement.

    He said they wanted to bomb a number of landmark buildings and put poison in restaurant salt shakers.

    There would be no survivors from the alleged Sears Tower
    bomb, Mr Gregorie said, because the defendants planned to shoot anyone
    who escaped.

    'Con game'

    But lawyers for the defendants said the purported plot
    was the inspiration of two paid FBI informants, one of whom posed as an
    al-Qaeda operative.

    Narseal Batiste (l) and Stanley Grant Phanor, two of those charged
    Lawyers for the accused said the case against them was overblown

    The defendants hoped to con the two men of $50,000 (£24,500) they had allegedly offered the group, their attorneys said.

    "All he wanted to do was get his money and run and who
    better to con than somebody who was supposedly al-Qaeda," said Ana
    Jhones, attorney for Narseal Batiste, the alleged ringleader of the
    seven men.

    Government officials described them after their arrest
    as "home-grown terrorists" but said they posed no real threat because
    they had no actual al-Qaeda contacts, no weapons and no means of
    carrying out the attacks.

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    Tuesday, October 02, 2007

    The Jawa Report: Attack Averted at US Embassy in Austria

    The Jawa Report: Attack Averted at US Embassy in Austria

    This is a second attempt to attack the US Embassy in Austria. The question is raised: Is there a link between the two attempts. The man who was making the attempt fled when his backpack set off metal detectors. He was captured and has been detained for questioning. A tragedy has been averted.

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    London Internet whiz was vital militant link: FBI - Yahoo! News

    London Internet whiz was vital militant link: FBI - Yahoo! News

    Hat Tip: Jawa Report

    The Moroccan-born student's real name was Younes Tsouli and his nickname translates as "Terrorist 007." He was 22 years old when he was arrested in London in October 2005.

    Said by prosecutors to have close ties to al Qaeda, Tsouli pleaded guilty in July to inciting terrorism on the Internet and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

    Tsouli's computer revealed he communicated extensively with two students from Atlanta accused of supporting terrorism by filming potential targets such as the U.S. Capitol and participating in "terrorist training" or "terrorism-related activities" in South Asia, Mueller said.

    Tsouli also was in "steady communication" with accused plotters in a case involving a Swedish national and Danish man arrested in Bosnia on suspicion of preparing to bomb targets in Europe, Mueller said.

    In addition, he said, Tsouli communicated with members of a suspected militant cell in Canada known as the "Toronto 17" who are accused of planning to attack targets in Canada.

    "These individuals seemed to be unrelated, but as we came to find out, they were not," Mueller said.

    He said Tsouli was at the "center of this web," facilitating communications and posting thousands of files including manuals for attacks and videotaped beheadings.

    "He used his computer skills to build a global virtual network for terrorists and their supporters," Mueller said.

    Mueller's speech comes as the Bush administration is seeking to permanently expand legal authority to eavesdrop on the communications of foreign terrorism suspects. Many Democrats are seeking restrictions on the authority to protect the rights of innocent Americans.

    Mueller said the Tsouli case showed the importance of adapting legislation to match technological change.

    "Our capacity, both by way of the expense of keeping up with that curve, as well as the transformation of our laws, just has not kept pace," Mueller said.

    "Growth in technology requires us to have a very swift debate and take measures that are necessary to ensure that we can continue to have the kind of investigative capability ... that enables us to continue to gather information."

    What is so interesting about this report and case is that there was a link between 3 different terrorist attempts that had been missed by the authorities. I am not so sure that 10 years in jail is long enough for this terrorist.

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    Monday, October 01, 2007

    Iconoclasts succeed with destruction of statue

    This Time... Islamists Succeed in Attack on Ancient Buddha

    By Gateway Pundit

    Earlier in the month, a group of armed men arrived in the village of Jehanabad saying they were mujahedeen, or Islamic fighters, and told residents they wanted to blow up the 7-meter (23-foot) statue.
    They were not successful.
    But, this did not stop the Islamists.

    Swat, the land of romance and beauty, is celebrated throughout the world as the holy land of Buddhist learning and piety. Swat acquired fame as a place of Buddhist pilgrimage. There are now more than 400 Buddhist sites covering and area of 160 Km in Swat valley only. The Swat region is linked by road and by air with Islamabad/Rawalpindi and Peshawar in Pakistan.
    Today the Islamists came back to destroy the ancient Buddha of Swat.
    They had much better luck.
    Times of India and Thanos at LGF reported:

    PESHAWAR: A seventh-century Buddhist relic in Pakistan was damaged when Islamic militants blasted it with dynamite, police said on Saturday.
    They said that the militants used home-made bombs to try to blow up the mountainside engraving, a Buddhist pilgrimage site, and fired at it using automatic weapons.
    "Late on Friday, militants attempted to blow up the engraving but they could only damage it partially," local police official Masood Khan said, adding it was the second attempt to destroy the relic, in Swat in northwest Pakistan.
    A local museum official said thousands of Buddhist pilgrims came to the region every year despite security threats to visit the image of Buddha sitting cross-legged, and criticised authorities for failing to protect it.
    The incident recalled the internationally condemned destruction of the huge Bamiyan Buddhas in neighbouring Afghanistan by the hardline Taliban regime in 2001.
    Swat is known for its Buddhist heritage and archaeological sites and attracts large number of tourists, mainly from Buddhist countries.

    A statue of Buddha carved into a rock is seen in Jehanabad earlier this month. (AP Photo/Hameedullah Khan)
    Islamists Bomb-Blast Ancient Swat Valley Buddha in Pakistan

    The statue that is picture here has been destroyed, no doubt at the behest of Osama Bin Laden, in yet another bid to claim land that does not belong to Islamist jihadis. What they have done is vandalism, and in more ancient times it was known as iconoclasm.

    Burqa-bomber kills 13 in Pakistan

    Burqa-bomber kills 13 in Pakistan |

    Another misunderstander of Jihad has taken to the streets in Pakistan in a burqa and has killed 13 innocent victims in what can only be described as a selfish act of murder-suicide.

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    Bin Laden wants Jihad in Pakistan

    Bin Laden "Come to Jihad" Pakistan Message Transcript

    By Jeffrey Imm

    From Laura Mansfield - complete transcript of Osama Bin Laden September 20, 2007 message "Come to Jihad"

    Image from Laura Mansfield

    Complete message video link - from Laura Mansfield
    CTB Analysis posting - September 20, 2007

    "Come to Jihad: A Speech to the People of Pakistan
    Shaykh Usama bin Ladin
    (May Allah protect him)
    September 2007/Ramadan 1428"

    "All praise is due to Allah. We praise Him and seek His aid and forgiveness, and we seek refuge in Allah from the evil in ourselves and from our bad deeds. He whom Allah guides cannot be led astray, and he who is led astray cannot be guided. I bear witness that there is no God other than Allah alone, without partners, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger."

    "As for what comes after:"

    "To my Muslim brothers in Pakistan:"

    "Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

    "Allah, the Most High, says, 'O Prophet! Strive hard against the disbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be harsh against them. Their abode is Hell, and an evil destination it is.' (9:73) And the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, says, 'There is no one who abandons a Muslim in a place where his honor is violated and his sanctity is infringed upon except that Allah, the Most High, abandons him in a place in which he would like His aid. And there is no one who aids a Muslim in a place where his honor is violated and his sanctity is infringed upon except that Allah aids him in a place in which he would like His aid.' (Narrated by Ahmad)"

    "Pervez's invasion of Lal Masjid in the City of Islam, Islamabad, is a sad event, like the crime of the Hindus in their invasion and destruction of the Babari Masjid. And this event has crucial and critical connotations, most important of which are:"

    "First, this event demonstrated Musharraf's insistence on continuing his loyalty, submissiveness and aid to America against the Muslims, and this is one of the ten nullifiers of Islam, as the people of knowledge have determined, and makes armed rebellion against him and removing him obligatory. Allah, the Most High, says, 'O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guides not a people unjust.' (5:51) And His statement 'And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them' means that he is of them in Kufr (unbelief), as the people of Tafseer (explanation) have said. This ruling was the one given and confirmed by Mufti Nizamuddin Shamzai, may Allah have mercy on him, in his famous Fatwa following the raids on New York, and among the things which he said: 'If any ruler of an Islamic state provides aid to an infidel state in its aggression against the Islamic states, it is the legal obligation of the Muslims to remove him from power and consider him to be legally a traitor to Islam and Muslims.' People of Islam in Pakistan: Mufti Nizamuddin Shamzai, may Allah have mercy on him, discharged a great duty which was upon him, and declared the word of truth and didn't care about the anger of the creation. He endangered himself and his wealth and made clear the ruling of Allah regarding Pervez: that he is a traitor to Islam and Muslims and must be removed. This Fatwa enraged Pervez and enraged his masters in America, and it is my opinion that the murder of the Mufti - may Allah have mercy on him - was at their hands. And Mufti Nizamuddin Shamzai died without having replaced the word of truth with falsehood, in contrast to what many of the 'Ulama of vice do. And the obligation on us remains, and we have been extremely late in carrying it out, six years having passed, so we should make up for lost time. May Allah forgive me as well as you."

    "Second, the government's showing of Maulana Abd al-Aziz Ghazi in women's clothing in the media is clear evidence of the extent of the great hostility, hatred and contempt held by Pervez and his government towards Islam and its sincere 'Ulama, and that is greater Kufr which takes one out of Islam. Allah, the Most High, says, "And if you question them, they will most surely say, 'We were only talking idly and jesting.' Say, 'Was it Allah and His Signs and His Messenger which you were mocking?' Make no excuses. You have certainly disbelieved after believing. If We forgive a party from among you, a party We shall punish, for they are criminals." (9:65-66) And read, if you wish, the Tafseer of Ibn Katheer - may Allah have mercy on him - regarding this Ayat."

    "Third, in such events, the people are tested and the friends of the Most Merciful are separated from the friends of Satan. The 'Ulama who are from the friends of the Most Merciful declare the truth, and if they are unable or are weak, they observe silence and don't help falsehood with their words or actions. As for the friends of Satan, they are led by Pakistani military intelligence to speak falsehood and help its people. Some of them deem it obligatory to unite with Pervez and his army, while others deem as Haraam martyrdom-seeking fedayee operations against the soldiers of the Taghut (idol-king), while still others assail the Mujahideen, slandering and defaming them. And this is the way of the Munafiqeen (Hypocrites). Allah, the Most High, says, "They are stingy [in helping] you. And when danger comes, you see them looking towards you, their eyes rolling like one fainting as death approaches. But when the fear has passed away, they assail you with sharp tongues, being stingy with good deeds. Those have never believed, so Allah has rendered their works null and void. And that is easy for Allah." (33:19)"

    "So everyone who refrained from helping the Imam Maulana Abd al-Rashid Ghazi is from the sitters, whereas those who attacked him to help Pervez, claiming that Islam isn't established through fighting and calling fighting in the path of Allah "terrorism" - in the context of invective - and saying that the way is through peaceful demonstrations and democratic methods are from those who have gone astray and followed the path of the Munafiqeen."

    "Nearly two decades ago, the soil of Pakistan saw and was watered by the blood of a great Imam of the Imams of Islam - i.e. the Mujahid champion Imam Abdullah Azzam, may Allah have mercy on him - and today, we have seen another great Imam, not at the level of Pakistan alone, but at the level of the entire Islamic Ummah: i.e. the Imam Maulana Abd al-Rashid Ghazi, may Allah have mercy on him. He, his brothers, his students and the female students of Jami'ah Hafsa demanded the application of the Shari'ah of Islam, as the reason for our creation is that we worship Allah the Most High through His religion, al-Islam, and they were killed because of this great objective. Allah, the Most High, says, "And I have not created jinn and men but that they may worship Me." (51:56) They sacrificed the great thing they owned: they sacrificed themselves for their religion. I ask Allah to accept them among the martyrs. They were killed treacherously and treasonously at the hands of the apostate infidel Pervez and his aides. The purpose of the army - or so they say - is to protect the Muslims against the Kuffaar, but now we see the armies becoming tools and weapons in the hands of the Kuffaar against the Muslims. Pervez threw away the cause of Kashmir and restrained those fighting to liberate it, in accordance with the wishes of the Hindus and Nazarenes. Then he opened his bases and airports to America for invading the Muslims in Afghanistan, and as you've seen before, the army attacked the people of Swat who also demanded the rule of Shari'ah, and attacked the people of Waziristan, in addition to betraying and extraditing hundreds of Arab Mujahideen from the grandsons of the Sahabah (Companions), with whom Allah was pleased, to the head of Kufr, America. So Pervez, his ministers, his soldiers and those who help him are all accomplices in the spilling the blood of those of the Muslims who have been killed. He who helps him knowingly and willingly is an infidel like him, and as for he who helps him knowingly and under compulsion, his compulsion isn't legally valid, as the soul of the one forced to kill isn't better than the soul of the one killed, and the Messenger of Allah - peace and blessings of Allah be upon him - said, "Were all the inhabitants of the heavens and earth to participate in the spilling of a believer's blood, Allah - the Great and Glorious - would throw them into the Fire." So I tell the soldiers who perform the Salaat (prayer) in the military organs: you must resign from your jobs and enter anew into Islam and disassociate yourself from Pervez and his Shirk (polytheism)."

    "Some of the Munafiqeen among the 'Ulama of vice and others may say that Islam orders us to stay together and the people to unite with the army and government to stand in the face of the enemies and avoid Fitnah (strife). I say: the one who says this is creating lies about Allah. The government and army have become enemies of the Ummah, after becoming a weapon in the hands of the Kuffaar against the Muslims. And they refuse to rule by the religion of Islam in all of life's affairs, like politics, economy, social life and other matters. Allah has ordered these and their like to be fought, not to be united with and hung onto, as those hypocrites claim. Allah, the Most High, says, "And fight them until there is no Fitnah [polytheism], and religion is wholly for Allah." (8:39) So if some of the religion is for Allah and some of it is for other than Allah, fighting is obligatory to make the religion entirely for Allah, the Most High."

    "By the grace of Allah, the Most High, we performed Jihad with the Afghan Mujahideen against the Russians, and the Afghan army was a weapon in their hands against us. They would pray and fast, but despite that, the senior 'Ulama of the Islamic world, including the 'Ulama of Pakistan, ruled that they are to be fought. And after the exit of the Russians, the 'Ulama of Pakistan also supported Taliban against the Northern Alliance, although they also pray and fast. So is there any difference between Pervez and his soldiers and Ahmad Shah Massoud, Rabbani and Sayyaf and their soldiers? There is no difference at all. All of them have pledged to the Crusaders to fight true Islam and its people, and those who say it is forbidden to fight Pervez and his soldiers and exclude him from the general ruling have an illness in their hearts: they prefer this life to the next. Allah, the Most High, says, "Are your unbelievers better than those or have you an immunity [from punishment] in the sacred books?" (54:43)"

    "I tell Pervez and his army: your betrayal of your nation and people has been exposed, and the people are no longer fooled by your showing off militarily by launching some missiles after every disaster and massacre you commit against the populace, as has occurred repeatedly in the border regions, or after the biggest massacre in Lal Masjid most recently. How is the nation benefited by these weapons and tests of yours? The same goes for the nuclear bomb itself. When the American foreign minister Powell came to you, you cowered, bowed and submitted to him like a lowly slave, and you permitted the American Crusader forces to use the air, soil and water of Pakistan, the country of Islam, to kill the people of Islam in Afghanistan, then in Waziristan. So woe to you and away with you."

    "Against the peoples attacking lions"

    "And against the enemy rabbits and ostriches?"

    "And your going to Makkah and performing the Tawaaf (circling) of the Ka'aba won't benefit you when combined with Kufr and combating of Islam and its people. Were it to benefit anyone in combination with Kufr, it would have benefited Abu Lahab, the uncle of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him."

    "Then someone might say that armed rebellion against Pervez will lead to the spilling of blood. But I say: were the order to fight the apostate ruler was from the people, like 'Amr and Zayd, then it would be permissible for minds and opinions to intervene and discuss what they should do or not do. However, as you know, the order to fight the apostate ruler is an order in the Shari'ah of Allah, and it is not permissible for the Muslim to make his opinion a rival to the order of Allah and order of His Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Allah, the Most High, says, "And it is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, to exercise their own choice in the matter concerning them. And whoso disobeys Allah and His Messenger goes manifestly astray." (33:36) "

    "So when the capability is there, it is obligatory to rebel against the apostate ruler, as is the case now. And the one who believes that the strength required to rebel has not yet been completed must complete it and take up arms against Pervez and his army without procrastination. Pervez and most of the Muslims' rulers jumped to power and usurped it and ruled us by other than what Allah sent down by force of arms, and the situation will not return to normal through elections, demonstrations and shouting. So beware of the polytheistic elections and futile actions, for iron is only dented by iron, and it is through fighting in Allah's path and exhorting of the believers that the might of the Kuffar is restrained. Allah, the Most High, said, "So fight in Allah's Cause - you are held responsible only for yourself - and rouse the believers. It may be that Allah will restrain the might of the unbelievers. And Allah is strongest in might and strongest in punishment." (4:84)"

    "Fighting in Allah's path is an act of worship, and it is based on sacrifice of selves. Muslim blood is spilled and poured out to protect the religion, which only reached us after his (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cuspid tooth was broken, his head cut open and his noble face bloodied, and after the blood of the best of people, like Hamza, Mus'ab, Zaid and Ja'afar (with whom Allah was pleased), was poured out. This is the path, so follow it."

    "The people have forgotten the path of victory"

    "They think it comes easily"

    "Or without blood running"

    "Where is the Jihad of the Messenger of Allah? (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)"

    "So to sum up: It is obligatory on the Muslims in Pakistan to carry out Jihad and fighting to remove Pervez, his government, his army and those who help him. And it is obligatory on them to pledge allegiance to an Amir of the Believers who observes the rule of Shari'ah rather than Pervez's polytheistic positive-law constitution. And the Muslims will not be successful in liberating themselves from slavery to Pervez and his polytheistic laws until they are successful in liberating themselves from many of the leaders and 'Ulama falsely affiliated with Islam who are in fact the first line of defense for Pervez and his government and army. You have seen with your own eyes the stances they took previously, when, rather than moving to break the siege placed on the Muslims of Afghanistan, they moved to break the siege placed on the bases and airports which Pervez gave to America and from which the planes were taking off to pound us in Tora Bora, Kabul, Kandahar, Paktia, Nangarhar and other places. And for your information, Pervez only dared to invade Lal Masjid and Jami'ah Hafsa after he was satisfied that most of the 'Ulama and leaders of the Jama'ats (groups) had renounced the Jihad which Allah the Most High legislated to enforce the truth and whose banner was tied by the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and replaced it with polytheistic democratic solutions and with peaceful demonstrations and bogus threats to absorb the anger of the masses. Pervez had tested them before, when he broke the back of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, after which they came to him voluntarily and of their own accord to participate in the polytheistic parliament, as if nothing had happened."

    "So O people of Islam in Pakistan: the truth is greater than everyone, and if truth is not greater than everyone and if we don't apply the Hudood (punishments) to both the nobleman and weak, that is the road to ruin, as the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) informed, "Those before you were ruined because when the nobleman among them stole, they would let him go, but when the weak one among them stole, they would execute on him the Hadd (punishment). And by He in whose Hand is my soul, were Fatima, daughter of Muhammad, to steal, I would cut off her hand." (Agreed upon)"

    "O youth of Islam in Pakistan: the Pen is writing what is for you and what is against you, and it won't benefit you to make excuses by saying that many of your 'Ulama and leaders have allied themselves to the infidel rulers and that the rest have failed to speak the truth and declare it out of fear of the ruling Taghuts, except those on whom Allah has had mercy, and these are either in prison or on the run. This huge disaster - i.e. the marching of the 'Ulama of vice in line with the apostate ruler and their currying favor with him and attacking of the sincere Mujahid 'Ulama - isn't peculiar to Pakistan, but rather, is a disaster covering the entire Islamic Ummah. And there is no power nor might except with Allah."

    "So O people of Islam in Pakistan: every one of you will come alone to Allah, the Most High, and be held to account for his own actions, so discharge your duty. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has said, "The smart one is he who subdues his self and works for what comes after death, and the feeble one is he who lets his self chase after its desires and [then] hopes from Allah." And be aware that if the Jihad becomes an individual obligation, as is the case today, there are only two ways with no third: either Jihad, which is the way of the Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and those who believed with him, or sitting, which is the way of the disobedient ones and Munafiqeen. So make your choice. Allah, the Most High, says, "They prefer to be with the womenfolk who remain behind at home, so their hearts are sealed so that they understand not. But the Messenger and those who believe with him strive [in the cause of Allah] with their wealth and their persons, and it is they who shall have good things, and it is they who shall prosper." (9:87-88)"

    "And we in al-Qaida Organization call on Allah to witness that we will retaliate for the blood of Maulana Abd al-Rashid Ghazi and those with him against Musharraf and those who help him, and for all the pure and innocent blood, foremost of which is the blood of the champions of Islam in Waziristan - both North and South - among them the two noble leaders, Nek Muhammad and Abdullah Mahsud. May Allah have mercy on them all. The tribes of Waziristan have made a great stand in the face of international Kufr - America, its allies and its agents - and the major states have been unable to make the stands they have made. They have been made resolute in this stance by their Iman (faith) in Allah, the Most High, and their Tawakkul (reliance) on Him, and they have withstood huge sacrifices of souls and wealth. We ask Allah to compensate them well. And the Muslims shall not forget these magnificent stances, and the blood of the 'Ulama of Islam and leaders of the Muslims and their offspring will not be spilled in vain or neglected as long as there remains in us a pulsing vein or a blinking eye. We ask Allah to help us to fulfill that."

    "O Allah, our Lord, accept those of our brothers and sisters who have been killed among the martyrs and heal the wounded; O Allah, make their graves spacious for them, and take care of their families and raise their grades in 'Illiyeen (Heaven); O Allah, Pervez, his ministers, his 'Ulama and his soldiers have been hostile to your friends in Afghanistan and Pakistan, especially in Waziristan, Swat, Bajaur and Lal Masjid: O Allah, break their backs, split them up and destroy their unity; O Allah, afflict them with the loss of their dear ones as they have afflicted us with the loss of our dear ones; O Allah, we seek refuge in You from their evilness and we place You at their throats; O Allah, make their plotting their destruction; O Allah, suffice for us against them with whatever You wish; O Allah, destroy them, for they cannot escape You; O Allah, count them, kill them, and leave not even one of them; O Allah, our Lord, give us in this world goodness and in the last goodness, and protect us from the torment of the Fire; O Allah, send prayers and peace on our Prophet Muhammad and on all his family and Companions."