Robin of Chickenhawk Express sets out to show how the Left will react to the latest offering fom OBL who has gone to the effort of dyeing his beard black. Here are her points:
1. Pay No Attention to the terrorist in the video.
According to one Kos kid poster, the man sounds like the Unabomber. Oh really!
2. The Bin Laden Video nonsense.
According to this Kos poster, there is no importance in the fact that OBL had dyed his beard. It is more important to bash Bush!!
3. I guess Bin Laden is a Republican.
After all OBL dared to criticize the Democrats!!
4. Notice how the OBL release his tape JIT to help Bush
I guess you can call this the "It's not OBL" conspiracy theory.
5. Kyoto accord.
Is someone trying to link this to terrorism?
6. OBL denied
"Just how stupid do they think we are". The poster does not believe that it is OBL in the tape. I guess someone needs to pull their head out of the sand.
7.Aligning progressive arguments with terrorism is the easiest way to
discredit them without actually having to disprove them.
8.Yup, I think that's it
Just associate OBL with the exact messages that the progressive community uses.
Fits right in with the RW "liberals are with the terrorists" theme.
9.If that's OBL, I'll kiss your ass in front of the White House
Starting with the 04 tape and now this one, OBL never talked about current events in his tapes, nor did he address American political parties. This tape is a RNC/WH production.
10. There'll be another one before the election- you can take that to the f@&*ing bank.
This is the "surge" edition.
One would think the "bad guys" in the CIA (Bush bots)
would learn not to be so obvious...wouldn't one.
This tape is a fake, just like the one broadcast just before the '04 elections.
Wake up, sheeple. OBL is dead. Your minds are being manipulated.
Sorry, but he does sound like a Democrat
He's pissed that the Democratic Congress hasnt ended the war as promised..Something that is repeated here daily. He is also concerned about Global Warming and the mortgage crisis...So obviously BushCo has fabricated this video to make the Dems look bad.
I dunno, it sounded like a YearlyKos convention speech
Obviously this is a BushCo planted video...
OH BROTHER! They are recycling the 2004 Robot bin Laden tape!
Sorry, not convinced by this bogus (and very low resolution) "new tape," He's bin Dead since December 2001, which was the last time I saw anything convincing.
Sorry, Wingnuts, Osama is Not a Leftist
When someone admits the veracity of Noam Chomsky's social and political analysis, that does not mean they are a leftist.
When someone argues that the war in Iraq began largely to help US corporations make money through profiteering and by securing oil resources, that does not mean they are a leftist.
When someone accuses the US government's policy as akin to hegemonic imperialism, that does not mean they are a leftist.
It means they are a realist.
Our Oil Imperialism Caused And Keeps Igniting Islamic
fundamentalism. They have a point. We (and by we - I mean American corporations) are basically stealing from the people of the Middle East.
This is One of the Sick Consequences of Bush's Policies
Giving Osama Bin Laden the moral high ground. He can point to the Dems craven politics as just another example of the anti-democratic and immoral USA.
Bush has already destroyed the credibility of the federal government for a generation. Now he's working hard towards undermining all global sympathy for US policy goals
Whilst these excuses look like a parody, they are in fact comments that have been made by the moonbats on the Left in American politics. These people are so full of dope that they do not seem to have the ability to properly process what is happening around them. They do not understand the real significance of having OBL appear with his hair dyed. Will they blame Bush when OBL orders another attack on US soil? Look at it this way, for in the last week two Al Qaeda plots in Europe have been foiled. The first was in Denmark, where more than 7 people have been arrested, and the other is in Germany, where three have been arrested, and up to 10 others are being sought by the authorities in Germany.
There is simply no excuse for people having their heads so far in the sand that it looks like their heads are squarely up their butts instead. These people are not realists, and that is particularly true of the followers of Ron Paul, and the Troofers.
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