Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The followers of the false prophet bar meeting of Orthodox leaders

Turkey Bars Meeting of Orthodox Leaders
NICOSIA, Cyprus, AUG. 21, 2007 (

The Orthodox Church of Cyprus announced that the Turkish government cancelled a visit between two Christian leaders in Ankara.The meeting between Chrysostomos II, Orthodox archbishop of New Justiniana and All Cyprus, and Bartholomew I, ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople, was to take place last Friday.Chrysostomos II declared that with this refusal Ankara "has shown its real face," a press release from the Cyprus Embassy to the Holy See reported.He is ready "to edit a letter addressed to the Holy See and to the World Council of Churches, in order to inform them," and "to awaken the international community on how unreliable the Turkish government is about human rights."Chrysostomos II said he is prepared to meet the ecumenical patriarch elsewhere, "in order to show his solidarity with him and to thank him once again for its contribution in the solution of the problems arisen within the Greek-Orthodox Church."The archbishop of Cyprus confirmed there are no disagreements between Greek-Orthodox people and their Turkish-Cypriot brothers.The problems, he said, are from "the interferences by the Turkish government, which stops any attempt of integration between the two communities in mutual respect."
The World Seen From Rome

So, here is an example of the RoP at work. This is direct interference in the Orthodox Church in Turkey. What purpose comes from barring the meeting? Obviously the Orthodox have a Dhimmi status and the Turkish government believes that it has the right to prevent the meeting.

They would cry foul if Christians prevent the followers of the false prophet from meeting, so this shows the outright hypocrisy of the Turkish government.

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