When the Israelis tried to repair a walk way in the vicinity of the Al Aqsa mosque (a building that really should be pulled down since it is a violation of the Temple that lies beneath the surface), the Palestinians were protesting and committing acts of rage. However, when the members of the RoP commit atrocities in the form of works that damage an archaeological site, there is not a murmur from those same Palestinians.
My view is that the Al Aqsa mosque is an illegal building and that it was built by the members of the RoP in order for them to make a false claim to the land of Jerusalem. The mosque symbolises the absurd story that Mohammed was supposed to have been whisked to this site by a flying horse. The story itself is untenable, and it is a false story.
All mosques that have been placed over the holy sites of both Jews and Christians should be removed because they have no right to those holy places. They are thieves that take what does not belong to them and their not so holy places should not be allowed to stand.
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