Charles Johnson has more on the rioting that followed the brutal attack.
With thanks to Gateway Pundit:
AMSTERDAM – The man, who was shot by a police officer at the police station of the Amsterdam district Slotervaart and died shortly afterwards on Sunday, was in contact with members of the Hofstad terrorist organisation in 2005. It was Bilal Bajaka, a man of Moroccan descent living in Amsterdam. Chief public prosecutor Leo de Wit said this at a press conference on Monday.
The police and the General Intelligence and Security Service, AIVD had had consultations about Bilal B’s contacts with the Hofstad group, according to De Wit. "Several members of the Hofstad group were detained on 14 October 2005, two years ago yesterday. Bilal was heard as a witness and was scrutinised by the police. In October 2005, the public prosecutor discussed the possibility to 'disturb' Bilal B. but eventually it was decided that there was no reason for this at that moment."
Bilal B. had been appearing in the police data bank since 1998. In that year he was involved in a serious violent offence. He attacked and wounded a person with a screwdriver. During the following years he has been involved in property offences. He belonged to the so-called hard core youths of Slotervaart and ended up in a prison cell on various occasions. From October 2003 he was serving a 15-month-prison sentence for a property offence. In the spring of 2007 it appeared that he had psychological problems.
Police chief Bernard Welten said at the press conference that the medical operations on the two injured police officers had been successful. The female police sergeant who had fired the shot, was stabbed in the chest and twice in the back. A pulmonary artery was hit and her lung was perforated. The bleeding was stopped and the perforation sealed. "Hence the operation can be said to be successful," Welten said. "Her condition is satisfactory."
Her male colleague was stabbed five times and had several cuts in his face and shoulders. An artery in his head was hit and was stitched. The stabbing of his throat was deep and the wind pipe was hit. "This colleague too is doing well given the circumstances," Welten said..
B. appeared at the police station at around noon on Sunday and almost immediately jumped across the reception desk. He began stabbing away at the police officer on duty who was behind the desk. He stabbed her in the chest. She jumped up and tried to escape but the man ran after her and stabbed her twice again. A male colleague who rushed to help her was stabbed in the throat and shoulder, whereupon the female police officer got her gun and fired at the man. He succumbed to his wounds shortly afterwards.
Klein Verzet is reporting more from Amsterdam.

Outside the police station things were hot. (Telegraaf)
Klein Verzet links Bilal to Theo van Gogh's killer:
Local burgomaster Ahmed Marcouch said he sympathized with the jihadists family because they had to wait for nearly two years before their son could be treated for his 'psychological' problems. And newspaper Telegraaf now reports that while Bilal was in jail in 2003, Mohammed Bouyeri came and visited him. Mohammed Bouyeri was the jihadist who was in 2004 on a suicide mission slaughtering Theo van Gogh (although to his regret he did not got shot dead by the police).Later, a news crew was attacked by youths while filming the trashed and torched cars from the rioting.
And, then of course, there is this:
It seems that Bilal has shouted in Arabic when he attacked the police officers. This could very well be something like "Allah Akbar", but that's something the Dutch authorities don't want the public to know.
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