Over the past month or so, one news item has been a topic of discussion all over the blogosphere. The story exploded when 6 Muslims, known as imams were arrested and escorted from an aircraft in Minneapolis. It was the airline captain on the US Airways flight who had called the shots, and had made the decision to evict the 6 men from the flight after consultation with the air marshal on board the flight, as well as with other airline ground staff. The imams claimed that this was a case of profiling and that they were removed from the flight because they are Muslims and had been praying on board the plane. CAIR immediately jumped into the story, and the CAIR lawyers began to prepare a brief in order to sue US Airways. Once all of the facts have become known about the flight of the 6 imams, I doubt that a jury of fair minded US Citizens would find in favour of these men. There is obviously a lot more to the story than meets the eye.
Whilst reading about this story, I found that certain names have been constantly coming up as people of interest in one way or another. The plot of the flying imams appears to have been hatched at a conference that was held in Minneapolis that was attended by the Democrat Congressman elect, the Muslim convert Keith Ellison. When the Democrats successfully regained control of the Congress, it soon emerged that the Speaker in Waiting, Nancy Pelosi and one of her minions, John Conyers, have an agenda to end a system at all airports that allows for the profiling of passengers in order to maintain a proper terror alert level. It seems that the imams in question had plotted to help the proposed legislation to gain some legitimacy by pulling a stunt that would see them removed from the flight in question.
To be continued
To be continued
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