The Egyptian bloggers are busy exposing an incident that the Egyptian officials are reluctant to embrace. I have now seen two reports on the same incident, one written by a woman who translated the story as it was written by the journalist Malek, and the other, written by the Egyptian Sandmonkey. Both bloggers make the same point - that the police in Cairo did nothing and by doing nothing they tacitly approved the sexual assault on any woman who walked in that part of Cairo. During the outrage, no woman was safe from the mob of men who were attempting to sexually molest and rape them. It did not matter if they were western, Christian, or Muslim wearing the appropriate form of address. They became the targets of a vicious mob mentality sexual assault.
We in the West have not received any news of this Eid incident, and so I am relying on these two sources of information, one is a woman, and the other is a man. The Sandmonkey has in fact confirmed that the sexual assaults took place. He has also come out and strongly condemned the mob mentality that was the cause of the incident. As he put it, he did not want to know about the incident in the first place.
The incident began when the men had converged on a theatre that was holding a premiere for a movie by one of Egypt's actresses (she was also assaulted during the incident), but the tickets were sold out, leaving thousands at a loose end, and angry because they did not get into the theatre. As a result of the anger, the men and boys began to trash the box office of the theatre and then they went on a sexual frenzy. They molested and attempted to rape any girl that came within their sights. The girls were rescued by the downtown shopkeepers, who pulled them into their shops and locked the dooors and by taxi drivers, who risked their lives by placing them in their cabs, but the Egyptian police stood back and did nothing. Malek's account of the incident is very graphic when it came to how the girls were indencently assualted. One thing stands out, though, these men did not make any distinction when it came to the form of address being worn by the girls. They were all targets, and in the case of the Saudi women, the men went as far as trying to strip them naked and to rape them.
What is even worse is that when the young women attempted to report these sexual assaults, the police refused to take down their reports. This means that the repressive Egyptian government can deny that the assaults ever happened, because they have no reports of the incident. The women stand no chance of having these men brought up on charges because they need to find 4 adult male witnesses to the incident. I suspect that their knights in shining armour who so valiantly attempted to rescue the women could come forward as witnesses, but with the government ever willing to turn a blind eye when it comes to the Muslim men being predators, I doubt that this would make much in the way of a difference. The reporters did not get clear shots of the sexual assaults and this makes taking action very difficult.
This is a matter that must not be swept under the carpet because the women were sexually violated by these marauders. It appears that this kind of behaviour is justified within Islam, and a case could be made for showing that they were in fact following the example of the false prophet Mohamood and his band of sexual misfit followers.
In light of the controversy in Australia regarding the comments of the meathead mufti, Sheik al-Hilaly, I would have to say that the sexual assaults in Cairo puts paid to the notion that women will not get raped if they are wearing the hijab. Basically, meathead was supporting the actions of Bilal Skaf and his gang of rapists, who preyed on Australian girls, kidnapping them, taking the girls to a dark park, and then taking it in turns to rape the girls. Meathead and at least two other imams claim that the prison sentence is not justified. By coming out and supporting Skaf in this matter, they have given their tacit approval to Muslim men in Australia to go around kidnapping and raping Australian women. The remarks of al-hilaly, the radical Egyptian meathead should not be taken lightly and he deserved to be widely condemned.